Terms of Use

By accessing www.haemdiagnosticscourse.com  and submitting registration information, you agree to have read, understood and be bound by the Terms of Use as stated below. We advise you to read these Terms of Use carefully. These Terms of Use may be subject to change at any time, without notice. It is the responsibility of you (hereinafter the ‘user’) to regularly check the Site and review these Terms of Use for any changes. This version of the Terms of Use is effective as from 1st February 2022.


The content found on the Site is intended solely for educational purposes to support, not replace, your own knowledge, experience and judgement. It is not intended and should not be relied upon to recommend or promote a specific method, diagnosis or treatment by healthcare practitioners and scientists for any patient. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the Site’s content and assume no legal liability for the same. We will, however, endeavour to regularly update the Site and correct or remove inaccurate content.

Ownership and licenses

The content, design, databases and images on this Site are protected by UK and other international intellectual property laws and are owned by the Site owners. No part of the Site can be reproduced, stored, or be used to produce derivative work without prior written consent from the Site authors. The Site is only permitted for private use and cannot be broadcasted or displayed publicly. Where these terms have been breached, your right to access the Site will cease immediately and you will return and/or destroy any copies of the materials you have made in breach.

Access to the Site

The Site will aim to provide access on an uninterrupted basis. We cannot guarantee that access will not be restricted at times to allow for maintenance, repair or the introduction of new services. Where this occurs, all efforts will be made to limit the disruption caused. Subscription is provided on a unique and individual basis and is not transferable to others. You will not attempt to use other user’s account, or divulge your username or password to others on or off the Site. The Site has not been optimised for use via mobile devices and users wishing to do so should be aware that they may not experience the full functionality of the Site.

Financial support

The Site and teaching materials associated with it, are supported by Roche Products (Ireland) Ltd. Blood Academy are solely responsible for the technical development, maintenance and teaching materials associated with the Site. Roche Products (Ireland) Ltd, or any other third party organisation have had no input in the Site’s technical development, maintenance and teaching materials. Blood Academy are the Site’s owners alone.


A user is free to cancel their subscription and access to the Site at any point. The user should email admin@blood-academy.com to ensure their membership is deleted.

Links to third parties

The Site contains links to third party websites and references to published journals and textbooks. This does not reflect endorsement or approval by the third party or content. We take no responsibility for any content found on any Site or published work other than this Site.

Patient confidentiality

All content is fully anonymised and untraceable back to the source. Patient details have been altered to ensure full anonymity without compromising the educational value of the Site’s content. The basis of this Site is in full compliance with the General Medical Council’s advice (‘Making and using visual and audio recordings of patients’, paragraphs 10-12, link).